Chalmers Performance Space Artist is Residence Program
Deadline / rolling
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The CMC Short-term creative residencies are a rolling residency program for composers, ensembles, and production companies involved in the production or researching of Canadian Music in CMC’s Chalmers Performance Space in downtown Toronto. These self-directed residencies provide you or your organization with space and time in which to experiment and cultivate new works or research new avenues for creativity. Residencies take place during work hours, 9am-5pm Monday to Friday. Residencies may range from a few days up to 4 weeks (excluding weekends) and may take place at any time of the year subject to availability of the performance space. 

Resident artists and ensembles benefit from access to CMC’s production facilities and knowledgeable staff who are available to provide technical support and assistance. In addition, you will have the opportunity to build connections, create networks, and share your work with the broader CMC community through artist talks, publications and/or livestreaming.   

Chalmers Performance Space Artist is Residence Program
Deadline / rolling
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The Canadian Music Centre in BC (CMC BC) is pleased to launch a new Artist in Residence program for the upcoming 2022/2023 season. Select artists (composers, performers, small ensembles) will be chosen as ‘Artists in Residence’ in CMC BC’s Murray Adaskin Salon.

These residencies are offered to artists involved in the production or researching of Canadian Music. The Canadian Music Centre in BC has always tried to support and encourage artists in our community and continues to do so with this investment in a private, creative working space to focus on your goals.

The AiR program is a flexible model to encourage experimentation and creativity. Basically you decide what you need to work on and we give you the space and time within which to do it.

CMC Ontario – Concert Series
Deadline / rolling
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Starting in 2023,  The Ontario Region of the Canadian Music Centre is offering up to six $1,000 sponsorships each year, available to Associate Composers and new music performers, ensembles, and presenters, to produce a concert featuring at least 50% of music by Ontario Associate composers, allocated regionally in the following areas:

  • Eastern Ontario (Ottawa, Kingston)
  • Southern Ontario (Hamilton, Kitchener, Niagara)
  • Western Ontario (London, Windsor)
  • Central Ontario (Peterborough, Barrie, Owen Sound)
  • Northern Ontario (North Bay, Sudbury, Manitoulin)
  • Northwestern Ontario (Thunder Bay, Sault-Ste-Marie, Kenora)

CMC ON will promote the concerts via the CMC Ontario eBlast, our website, and social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter). In return we ask that the concerts are billed as co-presentations providing equal billing to CMC ON on programs, website page about the concert, and any promotional materials using our logo. After the event, CMC ON will solicit a statement about the benefit of the support. Where possible, someone from CMC ON will attend.

While offering a source of new funds to areas historically deprived of new music performances and our help promoting concerts under this umbrella, this new paradigm of working has the potential to increase the number of concerts CMC ON presents each year, broaden our presence across the province, help us meet new people doing creative things, and help us better fulfill our provincial mandate and mission.

A specific number of sponsorships will be allocated to each area annually. Applications will be reviewed by staff as they are received until the funds for each area are committed.

ISCM Canadian Section 2024 Call for Works
Deadline / August 11, 2023
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The International Society for Contemporary Music (ISCM) Canadian Section is pleased to announce a call for works to select the Canadian Section’s submission for the upcoming ISCM World New Music Days 2024 in Tórshavn, Faroe Islands. The jury will be announced publicly in the coming weeks.

Six works will be chosen for submission with a guarantee that at least one will be selected for performance in the Faroe Islands. It is the goal of the jury to select works of excellent artistic calibre to be the Canadian Section’s submission to ISCM World New Music Days. The jury assesses the submissions together to ensure that the chosen works encapsulate the dynamic and diverse output of Canadian composers and sound artists working in a broad range of aesthetics, media, identities, and contexts.

Submissions are encouraged in a wide variety of styles, reflecting the plurality of sonic arts today. Diversity in all its forms (race, culture, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, language, physical ability, and age) will be a guiding factor. We particularly welcome applications from artists who are women, non-binary, trans, Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, as well as artists from traditionally under-represented populations.

For all works being submitted to the ISCM Canadian Section for WNMD 2024, it will be the responsibility of each composer to secure rights for the inclusion of that composer’s work in the ISCM Canadian Section promotional website.

By submitting works to this call, composers are agreeing that if their work is selected for performance/presentation, then they grant automatic permission for the ISCM performance/presentation of their work to be recorded, broadcast, and streamed from the website without additional financial liability to the ISCM or the festival organizers.

Call for Proposals for Sound Symposium XXI — July 12-20, 2024
Deadline / Aug 15, 2023
Click here for info

We are looking for fantastic ways to celebrate 40 years of the Sound Symposium – use your imagination!

Sound Symposium invites applicants from all creative disciplines to propose projects for Sound Symposium XXI. Activities will include workshops, installations, performances, and natural audio-visual experiences.

We are interested in SOUND and INNOVATION: contemporary music, world premieres, jazz, improvisation, dance, theatre, installations, film, sound poetry, presentations, and outdoor environmental projects. If you are up for an adventure in sound, and you can dedicate several days to this place and time, Sound Symposium is for you.

The exchange of ideas is at the heart of Sound Symposium. Invited participants will be encouraged to join our artistic community for the duration of the Symposium. They will be asked to take part in collaborations, participate in other artists’ workshops, and join in spontaneous happenings.

If you are proposing a concert performance, note that Sound Symposium events feature multiple artists. Concert proposals should suggest, in most cases, a program of no more than 25 minutes. There may be a few exceptions where a longer program by an artist will be appropriate. For workshops, installations, and all other proposals – dream big!

VI International Composition Competition Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Carlos
Deadline / September 8, 2023
Click here for info

The call is open to all composers of any nationality, without age limit, who have not been awarded in any previous edition. Each composer may submit only one work. The work submitted must be original by the author, unpublished, not having been the result of a paid commission or awarded in any other contest, not having been previously performed in concert or public event, not even any of its parts (if any), neither with the current title nor with any other, nor broadcast by any means of dissemination.

The works must be written for transverse flute (the one used in the symphony orchestra, in C) and piano. Electroacoustic media shall be inadmissible. Other types of flutes may not be used in the submitted work. The duration of the compositions must be between 12 minutes minimum and 20 minutes maximum and may have one or several movements. Works that do not have the stipulated duration will be disqualified.

44th Young Composer Competition Frederic Mompou International Award Barcelona 2023
Deadline / October 31, 2023
Click here for info

Violin duet.
Award: 4.000€ and the premiere of the work.

2023 Musicworks Electronic Music Composition Contest
Deadline / October 31, 2023
Click here for info


Compose/submit an experimental piece in any electronic-music genre—acousmatic, electroacoustic, glitch, soundscape, intelligent dance music (IDM), turntable art, video music et. al.
The contest is open to entries from anyone located anywhere in the world and from artists at any age or stage of career. Pieces must be previously unpublished, i.e. not released on a commercially available recording at the time of submission.
Maximum length: 10 minutes. Accepted file types: MP3 or MP4 only.

Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra – 7th Young Composers CompetitionDeadline / November 10, 2023
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The Etobicoke Philharmonic Orchestra, based in the community of Etobicoke in the City of Toronto, is very pleased to announce its seventh Young Composers Competition for the 2023/2024 concert season.

$3,500 in cash prizes will be awarded in three categories: a $2,000 Grand Prize, a $1,000 Runner-up, and a $500 Promising High School Composer prize. While COVID-19 restrictions make it impossible to announce the date, the Grand Prize winner’s composition will be performed at an EPO concert in an upcoming season.